Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dollinger on reforming Albany

Here's some video from Robert Harding of Rick Dollinger talking about something that Joe Robach has been ignoring for years...reforming the mess in Albany.

Rick Dollinger - Reforming Albany Forum (Part 1 of 2) from Robert Harding on Vimeo.

Rick Dollinger - Reforming Albany Forum (Part 2 of 2) from Robert Harding on Vimeo.

"From the Brennan Center report to the most recent study done by NYPIRG, the New York State legislature is universally recognized as the most dysfunctional in the nation," said Dollinger. "But this isn't new information. These reports were common knowledge eight years ago, and Republicans in the State Senate haven't even taken the baby steps needed to make things better, like requiring legislators to read the bills they pass, to be in the chamber when they vote, or to allow bills to get to the floor that aren't rubber stamped by the majority leader."

"It's ludicrous to think that Joe Robach will fix a problem that he has supported for his entire career in Albany. For the past 40 years, New York State has been marred by the failed policies of the State Senate Republicans, who have stalled at every turn, and have been the number one road block to passing a critical economic reform package," continued Dollinger. "Republican Joe Robach isn't a reformer. He's a rubber stamp for the 'three men in a room' model."

In the State Senate Rick Dollinger will fight to enact the recommendations of the 2004 Brennan Center for Justice's report on New York's legislative process. Once elected, Rick will address five areas that require immediate reforms - legislative committees, barriers to new legislation, legislative rules, the lack of transparency within the legislative process, and legislative inefficiencies and high costs.

This is exactly what we need. Please vote for Rick Dollinger!

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