You should read it...
* Robach’s been polling. A friend of mine got push-polled by a live person. The poll included 5 questions about abortion, so chances are he’s trying to make that a wedge issue.
* 10 days after we first complained about it, how are the Dollinger signs coming along? A Brightonian I spoke with yesterday said that even over the weekend, driving through Brighton, you would’ve thought the town was owned by Robach– she said that it was a 30-1 ratio favoring Robach. She’s a fairly well-known Dem who’s hosted lawn signs for every election– and the Dollinger campaign hadn’t contacted her yet. LET’S GET IT TOGETHER PEOPLE! Registration advantage alone isn’t going to do it.
* I saw Dollinger with 2 of his wingmen working the crowd at the ArtWalk festival on University a week and a half ago. Robach, as an elected, was on stage, constructing the longest run-on sentence this reporter has ever heard. It was something like:
* “I’d like to thank all the great people of ArtWalk for coming out and we’re going to keep building ArtWalk and growing ArtWalk out and we’re gonna keep building it into more and more parts of the city and…”
* I was at a vendor stand at the time, and said, half under my breath, “What a piece of work.” A woman next to me said “Seriously. They should cut his mic.” Shortly after that we both had to laugh when the emcee said to Robach “Uh, I’m gonna have to take that mic away from you now.” Desperation is a stinky cologne.
* Robach is still avoiding meeting the public (except when he can control the message, see bullet point above). Tell Joe Robach to come to the MetroJustice Town Hall Meeting tonight, Tuesday Sept 23rd, 6:30, School #6! Click here to send an email to him asking him to show up. The school’s address is: 595 Upper Falls Boulevard. Call 325-2560 for more info.
The Etiquette of Play Game
4 months ago
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